music in Aotearoa New Zealand
October 3, 2020
Macon Case study
October 3, 2020
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Persuasive speech


Think about a persuasive speech that you would like to present on a topic. The speech can be for any context and any length, but it must be persuasive.
See the list of example speech occasions and purposes for inspiration, if needed.
Plan your speech, considering what your introduction, main points, and conclusion will include.
Organize your speech, following the structure of Monroes Motivated Sequence. Your speech should include an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should contain your key message. The body should cover your main topics and support to back up your main points. Make sure that all support is relevant and from credible sources. Your conclusion should summarize your main points and provide a call to action.

SAMPLE Speech Occasions


Product recommendation

Presenting academic work (argumentative paper, research, or report)
Academic speech and debate

Speech at a community gathering (PTA meeting, boy/girl scout convention, town hall, homeowners association, athletic league, school board meeting, etc.)
Community action speech (asking for something, promoting a policy, etc.)
Political speech (on behalf of a candidate, yourself as candidate, etc.)

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