Religion Course Work
October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020
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discussion board

Topic 1:
Using the KU library, find an article that discusses the use of accounting software in the managerial decision-making process. Please make sure your sources are noted in APA format.

Do not forget to make your posts to the other topic this week.

Topic 2:
Based on this week’s discussion surrounding receivables and uncollectible accounts, in what ways could computerized accounting software or spreadsheets continue an ongoing fraud scheme relating to receivables? Using the KU library, research fraud schemes that involve receivables and share your findings.

Do not forget to make your posts to the other topic this week.


Class discussions and participation are required as part of your learning experience. These discussions are designed to have you participate in the learning process and enhance your understanding of the course material by interacting with the instructor and other students. Using proper business English, post your answers/opinions using at least 1 resource from the KU library (link above) for each topic given and comment on your classmates’ posts. Make sure you have noted your source in proper APA format.

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