Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 3, 2020
Critical Thinking
October 3, 2020
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Case Assessment

Students will do a case assessment and oral presentation in class. The case assessment should include at a minimum: an opening paragraph introducing the case and key items that the paper will cover, a paragraph summarizing the human services worker (job title, agency, agency service, & funding), a couple of paragraphs summarizing the client backgrounds, several paragraphs of the case notes from the interview and other tools/test, a few paragraphs summarizing the service delivery plan, rational for the items in the plan conclusion & include the service delivery plan as an appendix. Students may use a case of their choice. This written assignment should be typed, double-spaced, legible, and stapled. Paper should not exceed 10 pages. The student will be assigned a date at which time they will present their case to a treatment team of their classmates. Students should consider the issues affecting the case such as gender, race, age, disability, or cultural diversity. Post the names of the treatment team during the second class for student Case Assessments and Presentations. Grades will be distributed online after the performance of all Case Assessments and Presentations. Your written Assessment and Treatment Plan should be submitted to online. Papers should be completed in APA format.

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