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October 2, 2020
Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
October 2, 2020
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Sensation and Perception

Psychology students, after reading and studying the lesson on sensation and perception will visit a popular Optical Illusions website. Students will then describe illusions viewed and based on what theyve learned in the lesson will provide their perspectives on why/how their brain has been fooled.


In this lesson, we have studied both sensations and perceptions. People often become fascinated when their brain seemingly interprets (or perceives) things that really are not sensed. Such things are often called optical illusions or perceptual puzzles.

After having read and viewed all associated material for this lesson, visit the website 

Scroll down to view different examples of perceptual illusions. There are at least 45 different ones. Choose puzzles to thoroughly examine. Then, in the discussion board titled sensation and perception start a new thread addressing the following:
Choose two puzzles you viewed to briefly describe to the rest of us. If the same two have been frequently described try to find different ones.  (5 points per puzzle= total of 10 points)

Try to explain why these particular illusions fool us integrating information from the lesson and textbook to support your comments. (15 points each = total of 30 points)

Also, please cite your references.

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