mgt302 case mod 1
October 2, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 2, 2020
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Hist 462 Roman Republic

Each exam answer must be 5-6 pages (1250-1500 words) in length, double-spaced, numbered, include 1-inch margins, and use 12-point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font. You must include a cover page that says simply HIST 462 Course Challenge Exam. Each exam answer must include footnotes or endnotes and a separate Works Cited or Bibliography page. The Works Cited page is not included in 5-6 page length. Only primary and secondary sources are allowed (no tertiary sources).

The citation style must be Chicago/Turabian. You may use this short guide to help you with the citations: The sources you use must be appropriate to the exam answer topic, the citations must support the assertions made in the exam, and footnotes or endnotes must be used in each instance where detailed explanations would distract from the argument.

Each exam answer should include three main partsthe Thesis/Introduction, Argument, and Conclusion.

The Introduction section (10 points) should clearly state the thesis within the first 1-2 paragraphs. The thesis must be relevant and appropriate to the argument and demonstrate an accurate and complete understanding of the question. It should do more than restate the question and offer a brief response. It should be free of grammar & spelling errors.

The Argument section (60 points) should be 4-5 pages in length. It should incorporate pertinent details from your readings or sources. This section must provide relevant historical evidence to support the thesis and the key claims made in the argument as needed. It should maintain focus and avoid distractions. It should present your answer to the question asked clearly and concisely in an organized manner and it should be free of grammar & spelling errors.

The Conclusion section (10 points) should be in the last part of your essay exam within the last 1-2 paragraphs. It should briefly restate the thesis and summarize the main points of the argument. It should also demonstrate insight and understanding regarding the question asked and it should be free of grammar & spelling errors.

Mechanics (10 points) and Citations (10 points) also constitute parts of the grade. The scoring rubric below provides additional details regarding the grading of each answer on the challenge exam:

Essay Exam Questions
1. What was the cause of the American Civil War? Was it slavery? Was it states’ rights? Or was it the vast social, economic, and political differences that existed between the regions since the founding of the nation, rendering disunion inevitable? Choose one of the three options and vigorously defend your choice in a five-paragraph essay between 1250-1500 words.

2. What was the turning point of the American Civil War? Vigorously defend your choice in a five-paragraph essay between 1250-1500 words.

3. Was Reconstruction a success or a failure? Vigorously defend your choice in a five-paragraph essay between 1250-1500 words.

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