Scoring a stressor profile
October 1, 2020
The Future of Nursing
October 1, 2020
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minimum 150 words per question

1.Describe a possible situation in which one method of gathering information about the child (systematic observation, interviews, questionnaires, case studies) will be more effective than others.

2. In the video, children build blocks. What method(s) do adults use for gathering information about childrens learning?  What method would you use to make childrens learning more effective? (See Text #5 in Readings.)

3. According to the texts, what are some of the ways in which researchers and theorists have organized their understandings of how children learn?

4. What questions did these texts raise for you in light of your own experience with students/children? What critical questions about this/these theories do these observations raise for you? Remember you can also google for critical questions of theories if you cite your source!

Sources/required texts and videos prior to answering questions

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