Negative Impacts of Automation On Jobs
September 6, 2020
Family Systems
September 6, 2020
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Multiple articles

There are questions pertaining to different articles. Questions are below with the associate articles attached. Please bold each question with the response below.

Questions (Wells Fargo Case):
Required Questions:
1.    What might have been their plausible rationalizations when senior management made questionable ethical choices during the period of misconduct (2011-2015)?

Questions (Childrens Hospital and Clinics – A Case):
1.    What is your assessment of the Patient Safety Initiative at Children’s?
2.    What do you think about blameless reporting?
3.    What specifically would you recommend that Dr. Morath should do and say in the meeting with Matthew’s parents?

Required Reading (Articles):
Required Questions:
Ethical Breakdowns by Max Bazerman and Ann Tenbruunsel: Good People let bad things happen.
1.    Of the 5 barriers to an ethical organization, which were present at Wells Fargo?

How will you measure your life? (by Clay Christensen)
1.    What metric (or metrics) will you judge success in your life by?

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