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Ethics in health care (research project 2)


Introduce the ethical issue and the position that you intend to defend
Explain why the topic is important or why readers should care about the issue especially in the health care environment
Thesis statement
The thesis statement is the central position you will be arguing in this research paper. The thesis statement should be clear, concise, and defined.
In your thesis statement, you should take a specific stand on the selected ethical issue. For example, you may construct your thesis as follows: The use of euthanasia is an immoral choice even when the patient is in constant, extreme pain, or It is immoral for patients to choose euthanasia even when suffering constant, extreme pain.
Explain how your argument will be structured along which you will be arguing in support of your thesis statement

The purpose of the background is to lay the foundation for proving your argument.  The background will include the following:

Summary of works being discussed
Definition of key terms-define key terms/concepts
Explanation of universal values and principles in ethical decision making-briefly describe the key universal values and principles that support the ethical issue
Length and APA Requirements: 3 to 4 pages (can exceed the minimum length requirement). Utilize at minimum four appropriate references (i.e. scholarly resources, newspapers, books, PBSC library databases, Google Scholar, etc.) and in-text citations-APA styleLength & APA Requirement

Audio content developed and provided by Dr. Michele T. Tiggle-Stephenson (2019).

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