Virginia -Affordable Care Act
August 7, 2020
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August 7, 2020
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Discussion Board Post 820

Answer the question to this discussion board post.  Each thread must be 400-500 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge.  Course books are also attached but one of the books will require you to use your university library or whatever you use to access free ebooks. I also uploaded two papers to provide more information on the topic.
Topic: Disaster mental health response to an active shooter incident

Thread: You are activated to respond to an active shooter incident at a local high school. You have been informed that there are more than 24 individuals who have been shot with 7 confirmed fatalities. You are assigned to provide disaster mental health support to students, faculty, & staff who survived the incident. You are meeting the survivors in the school gymnasium. As a disaster mental health counselor, respond to the following questions:

What specific strategies identified in this module/week’s reading/presentations will equip you to provide beneficial disaster mental heath care?
What scholarly, evidence-informed strategies would you consider?
What strategies have you used or observed?

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