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July 10, 2020
Myth Paper
July 10, 2020
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Chicano history

Writing Assignment Please note that this assignment draws on readings from weeks Twelve, Thirteen, and Fourteen. Write a self-reflection to recognize how ones class, social, gender, cultural, and personal identity can be a product of historical forces. Illustrate how history can help one understand where one stands in the power relationships that determine much cultural interaction. Can history help one break free from these power relationships. Or does history blind one to the possibilities of achieving social justice? Or can one stand apart from historical forces and is thus free to chart ones own course? Or does a constant reference to history encourage grievances and does nothing to improve social tensions? Write at least a two-page response. Please cite at least THREE reading from the previous three weeksAT LEAST ONE READING FROM EACH OF THE PREVIOUS THREE WEEKSto craft an answer. (third reading)

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