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Psychology (unknown now)


I would like you to read the case study and watch this 5 minute video I that will provide you ( at 2 pm french time approximately.) Based on that I would like you to answer the two following questions (I will give them to you at 2pm). Each question should be answered on approximately 2 pages (total 4). The text you write will be used to present orally. I would like you to use the information/notes I will provide you, but you are free the use any other resources you find necessary to answer the question. The more psychology related, the better. It is also important that you cite all the resources you used (could you please cite them separately for the two questions so that I know to which question it relates.) This will give you two hours to prepare the assignment. I know its short but I truly hope you can write something great within that time. Let me know if you have any further questions.

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