Personal Statement
June 25, 2020
Book Report Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
June 25, 2020
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Miscue Analysis & Cultural relevant books

Describe how Miscue Analysis, and culturally relevant books and using bilingual emergent can change the way we teach ESL learners.

– Describe what a Miscue analysis, emergent bilingual and cultural relevance books are, and how it can be used in a classroom environment
– Student refers to and cites at least 3 theories or strategies discussed in class
– Student explains how these theories/strategies can benefit their practice once back in a classroom which doesn’t use

Part 3: Conclusion
– Student includes 3 practical implications/ insights gained from this reflection for teachers in their country/school.
– Student indicates how country/school can adopt these practical implications/insights into their curriculum via training, PD, workshops?

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