Assignment 2
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
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Wuthering Heights

I need three body paragraphs with 5 quotes total analyzed and a conclusion. This is my intro

Love engrossed almost the entirety of the characters in Emily Bontes novel,
Wuthering Heights. The journey for love becomes a motivating factor behind their actions and drives the development of the plot. Healthcliff, the character at the core of the novel, is perhaps the most obsessed with a quest for love. His unbounded obsession leads him to unceasingly pursue vengeance on those who have impeded his quest. From the beginning of the novel, the mistreatment of Heathcliff slowly builds up his rage, and after Catherines marriage and inevitable demise, he unleashes his once subdued ferocity upon everyone in a montrous manner. The paradoxical combination of love and revenge forces a confusing impression of Healthcliff as, at times, the readers witness both the passionate and vindictive sides of him simultaneously. Emily Brontes characterization of Heathcliff reveals the detrimental effects societal dehumanization can have on an already suffering lower class population. Consequently, Healthcliff transforms to develop a more extreme mentality in solely seeking love and revenge for his mistreatment as an adolescent.

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