You are to choose one of the listed pieces (each are significant works among the classical canon), listen to it multiple times, and write 2-3 pages, 12 font Double space (not 2,000-3,000 word count) on what types of visual imagery your imagination can ma
May 18, 2020
Interpreter in Java
May 18, 2020
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Dead Reckoning

For this week, we will be exploring this moment in history.  Scientists have connected this pandemic to climate change, a topic we have discussed in class.  Please view these videos, one is a Ted Talk and the other is about a choreographer who creates a dance exploring the issue of climate change.

Ted Talk

Dead Reckoning (Choreography)

Write a one page reflection on these videos answering the following questions:

1) What insights did you gain from the Ted talk and how do these make you feel?

2) How does the choreographer explore the issue of climate change in her use of dance/movement, costumes, lighting, and other scenography?  Did the excerpts provided in the video evoke any feelings in you as you watched it?  This piece was created a few years ago.  How is it relevant to what we are experiencing now?

Please write one complete page, 12pt font, 1″margins, double spaced.  Include a separate title page with your name, name of course, etc.

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