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Cake Solids Disposal

Unit VIII Course Project

As the final and complete step of our course project (a proposal for an industrial and hazardous waste treatment facility), complete the last (seventh) section (cake solids disposal) of your proposal by following the instructions carefully. Draft a one paragraph abstract (insert the abstract immediately following the title page), and then submit your final copy of your completed proposal into Blackboard for grading.


Closely read the Required Reading assignment from Bahadori (2014) and the Unit Lesson within the Study Guide.
Open your proposal draft from Unit VI and make any improvements to your draft using your professors feedback from the Unit VI project assignment.
Open the Unit VIII Study Guide, read the unit lesson, strongly consider reading the article referenced in the suggested reading section, and then consider your filter cake disposal strategies available to you and your client.
Continue with your Unit VI Project and make your seventh level one heading titled Cake Solids Disposal. Describe the waste profiling process, the process of locating an appropriate site of final disposition for the filter cake, contracting with a landfill, and the paperwork associated with final disposal. You are required to describe the entire filter cake disposal process in at least one page.
Throughout the course you have continued to add pieces to the course project. After you have added the Cake Solids Disposal component to the project, review your project to be sure you have included all components from the course and incorporated feedback from the instructor. Along with the title page and reference list, create a one paragraph abstract following the title page that summarizes the entire project.

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