Psychology of Cognition and Memory Short Answer Questions
May 17, 2020
E-Business Security
May 17, 2020
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apply the W.I.S.E approach to resolving it

For this writing assignment, select one of the following issues of current, often vigorous debate.  Then, apply the W.I.S.E approach to resolving it.  Your essay should be at least five paragraphs–the first, should introduce the issue, and the following paragraphs should use each of the steps in the WISE approach to help resolve the issue. For the “investigation” stage, you should use at east 1 credible, college-level source that presents one side of the issue, and 1 credible, college-level source that presents a conflicting or counter argument.  These sources should be properly cited on a Works Cited page at the end of your essay and included in appropriate in-text citations. See the Purdue OWL link in the “Start Here” module or your online textbook Writing College-Level Essays.  Your essay should be properly formatted using MLA formatting guidelines. 

People have long debated the comparative effectiveness of home schooling.  Proponents claim it achieves results superior to those of traditional classroom instruction in public or private schools.  Others dispute that view.

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