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May 11, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
May 11, 2020
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Animal Rights

This element is examining the argument FOR animal rights. Cohen argues simply that animals cannot possibly have rights. That does not mean some animals do not deserve protection. There’s a difference between a right and protection. But ultimately this brings about the controversial claim by some Animal Rights advocates that those who do not agree with them are “speciesists.” That means they favor humans over other animal species and that is prejudiced in the same way that racists favor one race over another. Cohen aggressively responds to that and adds damn right he IS a speciesist, it’s true because he cares about his fellow moral agents. Animals are not moral agents and some should be used in scientific experimentation from a utilitarian point of view, maximum benefit for maximum amount of PEOPLE. Check it out,  Agree? Disagree? write at LEAST a 450-word response to this. READ the attached files then make you respond. in case you need to make qouts DO NOT use the internet use ONLY the attached book

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