Physical Activity for Native American- An Embodied Approach

Physical Activity for Native American- An Embodied Approach
May 9, 2020
Physical Activity for Native American- An Embodied Approach
May 9, 2020
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Physical Activity for Native American- An Embodied Approach

For this assignment, you will be required to select a population that faces particular challenges to engaging in physical activity (PA) that go beyond lack of motivation and/or time. In other words, it should be a historically disadvantaged population that systematically experiences worse health and greater health risks (including lack of PA) than more advantaged groups. Drawing upon peer-reviewed journal articles, and using the embodied conceptual model discussed in Session 7 as a guide, you will identify and discuss one above water factor and one underwater factor that have been shown to shape PA behaviors and embodiment in this population. Additionally, you must incorporate a temporal factor into your discussion that might account for a populations current physical activity practices and/or health-related outcomes. Finally, one of your factors (underwater, above water or temporal) should be connected to the operation of structural discrimination. At some point in the paper, it should also be discussed or made clear how the factors identified for your chosen population (i.e., above water, underwater and temporal) are integrated to shape PA practices and embodiment for the population.

It should consist of the following three sections: Introduction, Outline and Integration of Factors, and Conclusion. At least five peer-reviewed journal items should be cited (in APA format). Of the five cited journal articles, two need to be original citations.

Rubric, readings, and Instructions are in Additional Materials.

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