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May 9, 2020
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May 9, 2020
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Essay assessment in four parts

Writing from scratch:

I will keep sharing further information moving forward.

Assessment in four parts:

Part One: Discussion Forum (200 words)

All students are expected to regularly contribute to the discussion forums. At the end of the course, students will be asked to select one of their own posts from the academic forum contributions for this course and justify how this post added value to the discussion (no more than 200 words). An image of the post and a justification will be submitted for marking. The course lecturer will consider the quality of the submission in determining the final grade. Instructions for taking the image and some hints on what makes valuable addition to the conversation are in Academic Skills. I will share the discussion post in due course.

Part Two: Essay One (1500 words)

Select an additional need and describe the potential impact on a child. Discuss the inclusion of a child with this need from their perspective as well as their families/whnau and teachers. Outline a plan for their inclusion that also takes into account the environment and other children at the centre. Justify your decision making in light of equity and social justice.

LO1, LO2, LO4

Part Three: Essay Two (1000 words)

A child, whose family has recently immigrated to New Zealand, arrives at your early childhood centre and appears to have very limited English language. Suggest range of strategies you will implement to begin the process of acquiring English as an additional language at your early childhood centre, and to support the childs sense of belonging and wellbeing.  Justify your strategies by drawing on literature about cultural responsiveness, intercultural pedagogy and critical multiculturalism.

LO3, LO4

Learning Outcomes (LO):

LO1: Articulate multiple perspectives on inclusive practice for children with diverse needs and their families/whnau

LO2: Debate issues related to ethics, social justice and rights for inclusion in early childhood settings
LO3: Articulate theoretical perspectives on intercultural pedagogy and critical multiculturalism in relation to inclusive practices in early childhood education
LO4: Justify inclusive strategies for implementation in early childhood settings.

Course required readings must be used as well as additional literature to inform your assessment. Reference list must be attached.

Further information on Part Two and Part Three in

Part Four: My Teaching Philosophy (300 words)

Inclusive practice for children with diverse needs. First person style.
If I can have Part Four before 20th March please.

Part One – Discussion Forum: 200 Words
Part Two: Essay One: 1500 Words
Part Three: Essay: 1000 Words
Part Four – My Teaching Philosophy: 300 words
(Total Word Count: 3000 words)
*15% leeway above or below word limit

REMINDER:  this is a level 7 course so make sure to maintain good academic presentation standards with excellent referencing throughout all four parts. Avoid using direct quotes.

Referencing Style: APA 6th Edition with page numbers a must

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