Essay on either Shakespearean sonnet 116 or 138

Help. Must Know How To Create Eportfolio
February 21, 2020
* Descriptive Essay * 5 Paragraphs* 1 1/2 – 2 Pages
February 21, 2020
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Essay on either Shakespearean sonnet 116 or 138

Write  a 4-5 page essay on the vision of love offered EITHER by sonnet 116 or 138 (you can easily find these sonnets by searching on google). Sparknotes has a great analysis of them to help you understand the poems, but don’t cite directly from there. I uploaded a more detailed document of the instructions under ‘Upload additional materials.’

* My professor wants us to cite from an article by Fussell and an article by Vendler; I also uploaded those for you. The Fussell reading is the one that says ‘Fussell on the sonnet’ and the Vendler reading is the one that says BookScanCenter.

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