Review the article “Developing a Mission Statement.” Then create a mission statement for a sport program you would like to develop. It can be part of a larger organization or a stand-alone program. Write a brief description of what your program entails. I
January 29, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
January 29, 2020
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Science of Fingerprints

Write a three page essay answering the following questions.  Use two independent sources for information. 

Part 1

Explain the principles and processes used in the analysis, comparison, evaluation, and verification of latent fingerprints. Explain the ACE-V process. Break down each step, and explain what is done by an examiner, and why each step is vital to the process.

Part 2

Define class characteristics and individual characteristics of latent fingerprints. Present one example of each as they deal with forensic science, and also specifically with fingerprints. Explain how your examples fit the definitions. At what step of the ACE-V process are class characteristics and individual characteristics of a print looked at?

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