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health psychology


The purpose of phase 1 of this assignment is for you to identify an unhealthy behavior and make progress towards changing that unhealthy behavior through cognitive-behavioral modification techniques (as noted in your text).


Identify a specific unhealthy behavior you would like to change.

Monitor and log your unhealthy behavior for 4 days prior to the assignment due date to determine a baseline level for your unhealthy behavior. This information is your personal justification for why this behavior needs to be changed.

Find a minimum of 2 research articles that support a need for a behavior change for your specified behavior. This information is the evidence-based justification for why this behavior needs to be changed.

Write a 4 – 6 page paper that discusses your personal health behavior change program. The paper should include the following:

            Behavior Overview: Identification of the unhealthy behavior via a clear, concise

            description about why it is an issue for you personally. Include discussion regarding how

            often and/or how much you engaged in your unhealthy behavior prior to this assignment

            (i.e., the 4 days you logged this unhealthy behavior). (10pts)

            Need for Change: Research justification that supports a behavior change is needed from a health perspective and be sure to cite at least two research articles in this section in APA format. (10pts)

            Review the Behavior Adherence Theories discussed in Chapter 4 and discuss 1-2 theory(ies) you feel will help you change your unhealthy behavior.

            Develop a specific action plan that you will use to modify the behavior.  This specific action plan should be connected to the adherence theories and to the research that supports the use of a similar intervention in research studies (cite your text when you are discussing the theory(ies)).



Introduction – explanation of the unhealthy behavior and your personal need for change. (5pts)

Evidence-based justification for why a health behavior change is needed for you and on a health perspective. A minimum of two research citations are needed per APA. (10pts)

Evidence-based action plan you will use to modify your unhealthy behavior and

discussion around adherence theories that support this interventions effectiveness. Your text must be cited in this section per APA. (20pts)

Conclusion (5pts)

Spelling, grammar, APA (5pts)

Total points: 45

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