Any topic (writer’s choice)
January 21, 2020
Exposure Analysis
January 21, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Rewrite this twelve-line verse from Average Homeboy so it doesnt contain any stereotypes.

I’m not the typical rapper that you’ll meet
I don’t live in a box nor was I raised on the street
And as you can see, I’m not black
I don’t do drugs and I’m not on crack
What’s the problem with a rapper who’s white?
We’re all just fightin’ for our equal rights
Just because I’m not from the projects
Doesn’t mean that I can write million-dollar checks
I was not born with a silver spoon
And I don’t have a daddy who’s a big tycoon
I have to work hard every day
If I want the money to go out and play

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