Section 5: National Protection and Preparedness
This week, you will provide a comprehensive summary of the specific elements of the National Southwest Border Counternarcotics (NSWBCN) Strategy, offering an executive overview of the 10 chapters. In your assignment, identify the relevant supporting ligaments of the policy that directly or indirectly support state-level protection and preparedness.
Building on your case study scenario, craft a 2-page memorandum to the governors of the border states that you have determined to have homeland security equities on the Southwest border (SWB). Be sure to include the following:
Include useful bibliographic references.
Section 6: National Response and Resilience
This week, you will draw from your case study to explain the nexus of the SWB and the associated risks and vulnerabilities to a critical infrastructure (CI) protection plan. Identify what policies and procedures should be in place within the interagency to ensure the appropriate response and resilience given the multithreat environment that exists at the SWB.
Drawing from the case study and relevant themes in the NSWBCN Strategy, draft a 2-page policy proposal that includes the following:
Include useful bibliographic references.
Review the Key Assignment description in the Week 1 Individual Project.
For assistance, listen to the Infrastructure Protection Webinar that is available in this Phase’s M.U.S.E.Section 5: National Protection and Preparedness
This week, you will provide a comprehensive summary of the specific elements of the National Southwest Border Counternarcotics (NSWBCN) Strategy, offering an executive overview of the 10 chapters. In your assignment, identify the relevant supporting ligaments of the policy that directly or indirectly support state-level protection and preparedness.
Building on your case study scenario, craft a 2-page memorandum to the governors of the border states that you have determined to have homeland security equities on the Southwest border (SWB). Be sure to include the following:
Include useful bibliographic references.
Section 6: National Response and Resilience
This week, you will draw from your case study to explain the nexus of the SWB and the associated risks and vulnerabilities to a critical infrastructure (CI) protection plan. Identify what policies and procedures should be in place within the interagency to ensure the appropriate response and resilience given the multithreat environment that exists at the SWB.
Drawing from the case study and relevant themes in the NSWBCN Strategy, draft a 2-page policy proposal that includes the following:
Include useful bibliographic references.
Review the Key Assignment description in the Week 1 Individual Project.
For assistance, listen to the Infrastructure Protection Webinar that is available in this Phase’s M.U.S.E.