MN553 W5 – Type II Diabetes Mellitus
January 15, 2020
Suggest a strategy for getting younger people to attend national parks on a regular basis. Do you think its important for younger people to visit our national parks and/or other park system(s) in order to make the connection between our actions
January 15, 2020
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comparison literary essay – 1984 and North Korea

Keyhole Essay
-no 1st person/contractions
– MLA format
– write in present tense when referring to the novel
– may use past tense for research
– at least 5 online sources as well as the novel
– add quotes! (2 per point)
– 1000-1500 words (okay if over)
– use the 3 slogans from the novel and relate it to North Korea (WAR IS PEACE, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY)
– mention propaganda
– in conclusion paragraph, mention the phrase totalitarianism (relate to book and North Korea)
– works cited page (add footnotes also)

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