Based on pages 776-785 in your textbook, calculate one ratio from each of the following groups (three ratios total) for 2018 for Smart Touch Learning:
September 30, 2017
ACC 421 Week 2 DQS
September 30, 2017
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Article 2

We have discussed harmonization throughout the course. The debate has intensified over the past decade with proponents arguing that harmonization is necessary for comparability purposes. Opponents say it is not necessary due to country differences.

Take a few moments to revisit your Week 02 Written Assignment-Classification assignment, which was based on the Christopher Nobes article. In your submission you speculated on a classification of accounting systems that might come into being 10 years into the future. You specified what factors motivated your particular classification.

Assume that harmonization of accounting standards became a reality. Consider how your classification would change. Based on what you have learned since your Week 02 assignment and the assumption that harmonization now exists, update your accounting classification, and resubmit.

In addition, include a 2-3 paragraph essay that discusses which side of the harmonization issue that you support. Make sure that you support your position with research.


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