(This is the same as problem #13 on p. 719 of your textbook.) Write an applet or application that implements a trip-time calculator.

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(This is the same as problem #13 on p. 719 of your textbook.) Write an applet or application that implements a trip-time calculator.

(This is the same as problem #13 on p. 719 of your textbook.) Write an applet or application that implements a trip-time calculator. Define and use a class TripComputer to compute the time of a trip. TripComputer should have the private attributes:

totalTimethe total time for the trip restStopTakena boolean flag that indicates whether a rest stop has been taken at the end of the current leg and the following methods:

computeLegTime(distance, speed)computes the time for a leg of the trip having a given distance in miles and speed in miles per hour. If either the distance or the speed is negative, throws an exception. takeRestStop(time)takes a rest stop for the given amount of time. If the time is negative, throws an exception. Also throws an exception if the client code attempts to take two rest stops in a row. getTripTime()returns the current total time for the trip. Here is one possible configuration of the labels, buttons, and text fields required by the trip-time calculator:

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