Should defendants be forced to take a drug test? Are pretrial programs effective in reducing failure to appear rates and pretrial crime? Are pretrial drug testing programs ineffective because they are based on faulty assumptions?

What are effective writing principles for criminal justice professionals in their respective communications? How does this apply to courts, police, and corrections? What distinctions may be made about the various criminal justice entities and the manner in which they prepare their written communications?
August 15, 2017
Soil Mechanics
August 15, 2017
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Should defendants be forced to take a drug test? Are pretrial programs effective in reducing failure to appear rates and pretrial crime? Are pretrial drug testing programs ineffective because they are based on faulty assumptions?

Should defendants be forced to take a drug test? Are pretrial programs effective in reducing failure to appear rates and pretrial crime? Are pretrial drug testing programs ineffective because they are based on faulty assumptions?

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