Helping men decide about scheduling

Heroes of the Classical Western World;the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid
August 15, 2017
Hemmingway and O’Connor
August 15, 2017
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Helping men decide about scheduling

Helping men decide about scheduling Analyze the given article and write a report . Approximately one side should summarise the content of the paper. Cover with equal weight the background to the paper, the analysis undertaken and the results. The summary of the content should also include what the author has written about; why the paper has been written; the intended audience; what was achieved. Approximately one side should critically appraise both the study itself and the quality of the write up. More information regarding the critical appraisal and the article will be uploaded separately. A powerpoint will be uploaded with some relevant points for consideration. However, DO NOT just copy the points, please think of some more new points and delete the useless or not very persuasive points from the powerpoint slide. The powerpoint just serve as the guideline; not all the points are good. Please contact through e-mail if you have any questions!

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