Genre flims of the studio system

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Genre flims of the studio system

Genre flims of the studio system Genre flims of the studio system Paper details For each of the research assignments, you are given a topic that is listed in the syllabus. Using that specific topic as a guide, it is intended for you to find an article of your own that references that specific topic. The easiest way to start is to use google scholar: For example, type in Wizard of Oz and Conventional Form¦ and you should get a pretty good list of people writing things about it. Pick out one article that you like, or is the most interesting¦ read it, highlight points that you think are interesting, write your comments/questions in the margins, etc. Use that research to build/write your response. Your comments and response to the research should also connect to the film screenings and discussion that we have in class. What I recommend, if you don’t know where to start or what to write, is to just keep listing questions and writing your comments down. But, do your best to fill up one whole page with such brilliant ideas. Remember, do you’re best to throw down MORE, in whichever way that’s easiest to get there. You can just comment on your observations¦ what you saw, what you like/didn’t like, questions about what/why/how¦ and just do your best to fill up a whole page that somewhat connects to the research that you’ve found (pertaining to each particular topic). Preferred language style US English

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