Fair Reward in Teamwork

August 15, 2017
Factory Building
August 15, 2017
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Fair Reward in Teamwork

I want you to write 5 to 6 pages about Fair Reward in Teamwork which is related to group and team FAILD . please, Do not write in first person thought, you will write a summary of what the authors said about the topics by using the sub-headings below, and write introduction and conclusion. Use a summary with citation including the page number and the author’s name. so please remember that all the words must be in your own word œsummaries of what the authors wrote. BTW Write in an APA style 6th edition. you will include minim TWO scholarly references. the paper will include the following: 1. What are the author(s) premise or main point? 2. How did the author(s) conduct research on this topic? 3. Do you agree or disagree with the author(s) point of view and why? In your answer you may include your personal experience AND you must go deeper to include a logical well reasoned response. 4. In what way(s) do the ideas in this article agree or disagree with the ideas from the texts used in this class? **Our book is: LaFasto, Frank, and Carl Larson. (2001). When teams work best: 6,000 team members and leaders tell what it takes to succeed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. **Her are some articles that will help you Kimberly, K. M. (2009). On the folly of rewarding team performance, while hoping for teamwork.

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