Evolution of vaccine development against pneumococcal pneumonia.

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August 15, 2017
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Evolution of vaccine development against pneumococcal pneumonia.

Evolution of vaccine development against pneumococcal pneumonia. Topic: Evolution of vaccine development against pneumococcal pneumonia. -The word limit is 4000-6000 words. -Provide me or send to me all references that you will use in my paper because I need the abstract for each reference you will use. -Table of content is needed. These are the organization and outlines for the assignment: “ Abstract. Introduction to the topic: Background information about pneumococcal pneumonia infection: The causative agent Disease syndromes caused by it. Characteristics of the diseases. Manifestations of the disease. Diagnosis and the current therapeutic strategies of the disease. Epidemiology including the spread, worldwide incidence, prevalence, pandemic, significance to the public health and the economic cost. Source and reservoir+ incubation period. Modes of the transmission of the pathogen. Mechanisms of pathogenesis: Virulence factors and those that need attention in vaccine development. Risk factors. People at risk. Evolution of vaccine development against pneumococcal infection: Immunization and prophylaxis against pneumonia. Serotype diversity. The specificity of immune response against serotypes. Types of vaccines undergoing trials. Immunization schedule. Current vaccines undergoing trials. Their benefits and limitations. The novel alternatives for third generation pneumococcal vaccines. Burden and cost effectiveness of vaccination. Current status of the development of improved vaccines and the ways by which the improved vaccines will be better than the currently used vaccines. Discussion:- Indicate all of previous different evolutions. Conclusion + future directions for vaccine development.

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