Ethics and public relations

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August 15, 2017
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August 15, 2017
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Ethics and public relations

Ethics and public relations Part 1 The reason there are rampant cases of misconduct and corruption among the public officials is because the elected officials fail to adhere to the ethical codes. Many of those public officers who indulge in corruption often misuse their power. As revealed in Lewis and Gilman’s article, there is a lot of money in the public office. Most of the government tenders are high value and thus tempt the public official to engage in acts of corruption. The article also argues that the whistleblowers are not given the required protection by the law. Most are threatened and therefore fear to reveal the scandals in the government (Lewis and Gilman). One of the recent wrongdoings by the federal government was the bridging of the privacy of the American citizens. The whistle blower revealed that the security agencies were monitoring all private conversations and spying on Americans. This resulted in public criticism and outcries. The government tried to explain its actions, but they were aware that they were acting against the constitution. The government wanted to ensure it filtered all sorts information sent and received by the people. The motivation behind this act was the increased domestic terrorism and aid accorded to terrorists by those living within and out of the USA. Part 2 Ethics is described as the generally accepted codes of conduct. They are the set of regulations that prescribe how people are supposed to act and react to different situations. Ethics are guided by morality. In my understanding, ethics describe moral actions. Ethics is instilled in us through socialization. As children, we were taught how to act with care and uphold moral standards. This was done both in school and at home. Being an ethical public servant call for adherence to the law and the moral standards. For public servants be ethical, they are required to act with care and always do what is right. Doing the right thing calls for rationalism in decision making. This allows me to evaluate my thinking before I can act. This way I am able to reason and make the correct choices. To be a public servant, individuals must be willing to work for the people. Public service means that you agree to become a servant of the people. It also means that you will have to be a person of high integrity and unbiased to public issues. There have been cases that have portrayed the public service to be a sector marked by scandals. Many people have lost faith in public service because of unethical conducts by public officials. By taking this course, I am hoping to become a good example for the people to follow. I am hoping to learn how to bring change in public service and eventually restore public hope in public service. On the other hand, for prevention of further abuse, I will ensure that transperancy becomes a key practise in the public service. Public service calls for perseverance and patience. Handling the public can be a hectic job since there is constant criticism and high expectations of the public. I believe I have the patience required to handle the pressure in public service. I also have the leadership skills that are necessary to handle the masses. I am transparent and open to critics; this way, I am able to learn what the people want and what I am doing wrong. Therefore, I am able to learn and offer better services to the people. Works Cited Lewis, Ca rol W. and Stuart C. Gilman. The Ethics Challenge In Public Service . New York,NY: A Wiley Imprint, 2011. Print.

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