Environmental Scanning

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August 15, 2017
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August 15, 2017
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Environmental Scanning

Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning is about constant reading, listening and watching of current affairs with an eye to an organization’s interests. Broadly speaking, environmental scanning is identifying the issues, trends, factors, and institutions that affect or may potentially affect your client’s ability to operate. Organizations use environmental scanning to monitor important events in their surrounding environment. It is a way to answer the question, œWhat’s happening in the external environment that is likely to affect my client’s future “ either positively or negatively. Scanning involves identifying and analyzing the issues and trends that have important implications for the future. For public relations practitioners, these factors include: the size and nature of your client’s market the activities of current or potential strategic partners competitors’ successes and failures legal constraints as well as legal protections social issues of concern to your client or its stakeholders. You need help me identify and analyze MIAMI DOLPHINS. Here is the guildline: Assignment instructions: Scan The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal to see if there are any issues that are relevant to your client or its industry. Use this news story and others in your environmental scanning report and provide a citation for each article (APA style), including the date and a page number. Prepare a 250-word environmental scanning report (one page, double-spaced), outline the issue and explain how a particular event may have an impact on your client’s organization, and your recommendations for how your client should respond, if at all. If you do not believe a response is necessary, briefly explain why. Make sure to provide specific suggestions on how to deal with potential threats and how to take advantage of any opportunities. If you are unable to find news that is relevant to your client, you are still required to complete a report outlining a news story about a major current event and explain why it is important. The report must be turned in as a hard copy at the beginning of the class period when due. Recommendations and tips: Environmental scanning helps you to identify threats and opportunities for your client that exist in the external environment. When preparing the ES report, ask yourself these questions: Does this event/news affect my clients in any way? If yes, in what way? What do I need to do to be prepared for a potential crisis and/or for media questions? Does this event/news provide an opportunity for my client to get positive news coverage? Negative news coverage? If yes, what should be done? Does this event/news provide an opportunity for development for my client (market expansion, customer service improvement, new product introduction, etc.)? Does this event/news affect my client’s industry? If yes, what are the potential consequences for my client? What needs to be done to prevent any negative consequences? Using Factiva and Lexis/Nexis databases to search for news stories for ES reports: 1) Go to 2) For the WSJ, choose œFactiva database. 3) Scroll down and you will see the most current issue of the WSJ on the right side of the screen. Search WSJ using a keyword or select an industry from the menu bar. 4) For the NYT, choose the œLexis/Nexis Academic database. 5) Choose œSearch for News. In the œSearch For menu, use a keyword to begin the search. In the œSource Title menu, type in New York Times. Formatting newspapers citations using APA style: Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Wall Street Journal, pp. A1, A4. Brody, J.E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brain agile. The New York Times. Retrieved from

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