Discuss the aesthetic of Ume Kayo’s works and how it’s traditional Japanese (many scenes reveal the traditional Japanese culture) but also non-traditional, in a sense that traditional Japanese photography is much more thought-out, developed, whereas Ume collaborates with chance ( walking, come by the subjects, not intentionally looking for things to capture. )

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Discuss the aesthetic of Ume Kayo’s works and how it’s traditional Japanese (many scenes reveal the traditional Japanese culture) but also non-traditional, in a sense that traditional Japanese photography is much more thought-out, developed, whereas Ume collaborates with chance ( walking, come by the subjects, not intentionally looking for things to capture. )

Discuss the aesthetic of Ume Kayo’s works and how it’s traditional Japanese (many scenes reveal the traditional Japanese culture) but also non-traditional, in a sense that traditional Japanese photography is much more thought-out, developed, whereas Ume collaborates with chance ( walking, come by the subjects, not intentionally looking for things to capture. ) Also the concept of œeveryday photography that her works reveal. Then compare her works to other a lille earlier two Japanese women photographer: Nagashima Yurie and Kawauchi Rinko

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