Culture, Self, and Adjustment

Cultures and Values
August 15, 2017
culture literature art and image
August 15, 2017
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Culture, Self, and Adjustment

Culture, Self, and Adjustment Who you are and how you adjust to the challenges of life are in part determined by the view you have of yourself, your culture, your life experiences, and how you are influenced by others. Your self-concept, self-esteem, and self-identify all impact how you adjust to life’s challenges. Since most people live in a very social world, factors related to the self also impact how people deal with each other and adjust to social situations. People impact others “ sometimes positively, as with encouragement, helping behaviors, motivation, and necessary and appropriate rules and authority. However, as is evident in many places in the United States and around the world, people also impact others negatively. This is evident in discrimination, mob mentality, aggression, and inappropriate influencing behaviors. This Discussion is designed to explore the differences between cultures with respect to the concept of self and adjustment to life’s challenges. While you know there is variability among members of any culture, it is also true that there are differences between and among cultures related to concept of self, how the self influences others and others influence the self, and the impact of the self on adjustment. To prepare for this Assignment: Review the information presented in your text in Chapters 6 and 7 focusing on the view of self and others, as well as the different aspects of social influence that impact adjustment. Watch the short video: Shy Brains. Analyze your own culture and another culture that is different from your own with the following questions in mind: 1) What are commonalities in the view of self for each culture? 2) Is it typical for members of each culture to be easily persuaded by others? 3) Is it common for members of each culture to be highly obedient to authority? 4) Do members of each culture typically conform to the majority opinion? 5) Are members of each culture typically assertive? 6) Are there differences between how males behave and how females behave in each of the cultures? 7) How do the characteristics suggested by the answers to the previous questions impact the individual’s adjustment to life’s challenges? Write a brief comparison (similarities and differences) between your own culture and one culture other than your own. Choose at least two different characteristics related to the self that may include, but are not limited to: the view of self; its ability to be persuaded; its obedience to authority; its conformity to others; its assertiveness; any differences in males and females. Summarize your comparison and then share your thoughts about how the characteristics you selected impact the individual’s ability to adjust to life challenges.

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