analysis of reading practices: This is an analysis of your limits, ignorance, and reading practices based on Britzmans article which you are to have read. Take this opportunity to assess yourself as a learner (which impacts how you teach, supervise, lead, coordinate, and think about curriculum). Take the questions posed in this article seriously as you deeply think about your own thinking, learning, and what you bear to know. Think about what is normalcy, what is acceptable/ expected to think about. Understand, analyze, and take up YOUR study of limits, study of ignorance, and study of reading practices. Deeply think about the nature of knowledge as it relates to curriculum planning. Discuss how this analysis affects your thoughts on learning and what is studied. Let the readings up to this point in the course influence your thinking as well. Take a stand, express your opinion, critically analyze, deconstruct what is being said based on what you already know or dont and/ or are struggling with. I will attach these articles Britzman article, Is There a Queer Pedagogy? Or, Stop Reading Straight), (Shlasko article, Queer (v.) Pedagogy) Please notice this paper is mainly on analysis for britzman article, but the shlasko article may be very helpful as well. Please write a clear and direct sentences. I want a direct and straight information.