consumer behaviours and happiness

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consumer behaviours and happiness

consumer behaviours and happiness Project title: Paper Proposal the relationship between consumer behaviours and happiness (For our interdisciplinary conversation about happiness) My research paper will base on investigating the relationship between consumer behaviours(especially luxury goods) and happiness in China. Since my course topic isHappiness. My instructor wants us to find new approaches towards happiness. My general idea is in the current society, the consumer behaviours of luxury good originated from western culture. Like channel, prada, they all have a long and valuable history. that is why they became luxury. The background of those fashion designers also belongs to the same origins. My focus is on how people with different culture background (Chinese people) recognize the same standard about how to define luxury good? Although they don’t have the common knowledge about the western based luxury background, they still spend the same amount of money on these staff and don’t know why they have to pay that much. Whether consumer behaviours will make them happy? here is where my topic comes in. Guild lines and elements of a research proposal: (you should mention each point as follows because our instructor will check each of them carefully) 1. Research Site and its Contexts Who, what, where, when, how? give me the knowledge I need to feel that I have a firm grasp of your topic. Set me up to understand why your research question is critical. 2. Research Question What, specifically, are you trying to find out? How? 3. Scholarly conversation preview and knowledge gap Whose work is critically important to answering this question? What have they overlooked in their studies and how will you fill the gap? 4. Closing remarks? maybe preliminary findings L

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