computer and telephone monitoring systems

August 15, 2017
Comprehensive written Business Analysis
August 15, 2017
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computer and telephone monitoring systems

Question#1 Examine and discuss the types of computer and telephone monitoring systems being used in the workplace. What are the ethical issues involved with these type of monitoring systems? How does your workplace use a monitoring system? What are your personal feelings about monitoring employee’s computer and telephone communication? Question#2 Analyze in detail the five types of internet fraud. Please describe any personal experiences you have encountered with internet fraud? What are practical preventative measures to deter being a victim of internet fraud? Please be specific. Question#3 There are numerous examples of ethical dilemmas dealing with the privacy of customers. As the textbook states, using cookies is a common way of monitoring preferences of customers and potential customers. Companies’ websites gather and store information about its customers through cookies. Do you agree with this business practice? What are the benefits to the company, and what are the benefits and potential disadvantages to the customer? Question#4 You are the Assistant human resource manager for Proctor and Gamble. One of your tasks is to monitor the e-mail of all employees. You have discovered an e-mail that you would consider œsexual harassment, which was sent from one employee to another. What specific action steps would you take in this situation? What are your ethical responsibilities under these circumstances? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :

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