Compare Net income to Net Operating Activities Cash Flows.

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Compare Net income to Net Operating Activities Cash Flows.

Analysis Case: Cash Flows Analysis Case: Cash Flows Paper details read theœChapter 14 Cash flows Analysis Procedure document first, then answer the question on œForm of Cash flows Reporting¦ And the company that I want to talk about in my paper is œWAG(Walgreen)..the answers does not need too long, just like the answers in the œChapter 14 Cash flows Analysis Procedure Chapter 14 Cash flows Reporting Form: Report your company’s overall increase or decrease in cash as displayed in the cash account on the balance sheet from last year to this year. Compare Net income to Net Operating Activities Cash Flows. Report and label both numbers. Does the relation build or destroy trust in their accrual accounting reporting? Why and how? Compare Net Operating Activities Cash Flows to Capital Expenditures. Report and label both numbers. Explain whether or not this this company can afford these asset purchases? Explain anything else important that is happening in this section, and interpret it to describe what management may be addressing in their actions. Compare both Operating cash flows and Investing cash flows to the Net Financing Activities Cash Flows. Assess the balance between these three and advise on the company’s management of their financing cash flows. Explain the overall increase or decrease in cash in just a few sentences that a non-accountant could understand. Use the numbers from your calculations. Tell the story of what management is doing to drive those cash flows. Considering all of your company analysis so far, compare and contrast their cash flow performance with their accrual accounting performance and describe your opinion of this company’s performance. Cite specific numbers and reasons from your work so far. Revisit any other relevant information, including their p/e ratio, and provide your final recommendation: Is this a great buy, a good buy, a fair value, overpriced, or even something you should sell immediately if you were to already own it? Wrap it up.

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