World Geography

The American Past
August 10, 2017
Comparing Physical Attributes and its Impact on Self-Esteem
August 10, 2017
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World Geography

Each week throughout this course you have an option for submitting your written assignment.
You can submit the essay as instructed – at least 3 paragraphs, use cites and references, use as
much APA format as you can, double space, use a title page, references are presented as a last
page called References, present references in hanging indent format, cites like (Johnson, 2014) in
the body of the paper, indented paragraphs, and so on…. all of that is APA.
Or you can submit a page or two of highly relevant notes and not mind any format. This is a time
crunch option for those who have sickness or family emergencies or weddings or funerals… This
helps you finish an assignment and move on. You can get a B level grade for good notes, but not
an A.
If you have a time crunch, this will help a lot. I hope this is helpful as needed. This applies to
any written submission any week.
Remote Sensing
Please follow directions carefully. Ensure that you fully read instructions so that you
don’t leave out any answers to questions. Make sure to properly use quotes and cites for
all material taken directly from a reference. Either put it in your own words or use
Write a 2 page, double-spaced paper.
Address one of the following topics in your paper as it relates to applications of geographic information
to problem solve globally.
• Remote sensing, or
• Highly technological sensing, or
• Unmanned vehicles
Note: Examples might include of the predator drone in battle situations, nuclear and other subs for
mapping the ocean floor and other surveillance, or various types of satellite photography applied to
geographic issues, like predicting weather, understanding population pressures, tracing effects of oil
spills, or assessing damage from hurricanes.
There is no requirement for a title page, references or APA style.

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