Viktor Frankl professes to have been influenced by both existentialism and psychoanalysis, but not Marxism.

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Viktor Frankl professes to have been influenced by both existentialism and psychoanalysis, but not Marxism.

Viktor Frankl professes to have been influenced by both existentialism and psychoanalysis, but not Marxism.

Viktor Frankl professes to have been influenced by both existentialism and psychoanalysis, but not Marxism. •How does his work relate to mainstream figures in these fields, such as Sartre, Freud, and Marx? (Be sure to give some specific examples from Frankl’s book to support your position. Sartre, Freud, and Marx are discussed in “Ten Theories of Human Nature”)
•In each case, explain which view you find more persuasive.

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August 10, 2017
August 10, 2017