The Outlaw Hero

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The Outlaw Hero

Choose one of the prompts and write a 5-page fully developed essay that clearly presents a semiotic analysis of the prompt you choose.

Remember that you need a clearly worded thesis statement as the last sentence of your introduction.

In addition, you need a specific topic sentence for each of your body paragraphs, and it should be the first sentence of your body paragraph.

You need to use AT LEAST 5 strong, credible, SCHOLARLY (peer-reviewed) sources to support your argument, and you need a Works Cited page in the correct MLA format.

A third type of character that has been popular in recent years is the outlaw who breaks the law without any regard for society, like Tony Soprano, Hannibal Lecter, The Joker, as well as numerous other gangsters.  Write a paper identifying such characters and construct a semiotic argument explaining their appeal to contemporary audiences. Remember that you must write a semiotic analysis that explores the various social, political, economic, historical, gender, etc. factors connected to your subject to construct a larger social commentary.

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