
August 10, 2017
Health sciences and medicine
August 10, 2017
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This is a critical analysis on Sustainable Cities.

Choose 3 from the list provided, approximately 700 words each.
So 3 x 700 (500-700 no more than 700 each) (file attached)

When writing keep in mind how can we make the city a much more sustainable place within the economic, environmental and social aspects of things.

The usual areas are transportation factors, freeways, train, trams, lite rail, buses, public transport, cars etc, pollution, walkability factors for community, social urban traffic calming and maintaining people’s happiness. Sustaining environmental, plants and wildlife etc these are just a few. So give a critical analysis of all aspects of sustainability.

Please use minimum of at least one figures and charts etc for each of the three analysis, where ever possible.
It is very important to reference for each analysis and add a list of reference after each individual analysis.

Thank you

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