Biblical approach to counseling

Eschatology of Buddhism and Christianity
August 10, 2017
August 10, 2017
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Biblical approach to counseling

Topic: Biblical approach to counseling

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Research Paper Guide for Successful Completion
The research paper is designed to help you to more deeply understand
biblical views of counseling and how

they compare/contrast with current and historical professional views.
The overarching purpose of this

part of the COUN 501 course is to further develop each student’s
personal and professional identity as a

counselor who lives according to a biblical worldview, so that greater
effectiveness and precision in

counseling situations results.

To successfully complete this project, the student will need to
skillfully use a number of resources

• Reputable Bible Dictionaries
• A thorough Bible concordance
• Reputable Bible commentaries
• Required and recommended course textbooks and professional journal articles
• Fairly comprehensive course notes from classroom attendance and participation
• Interaction with other students

Part 1: Begin the project by doing a thorough word study in the Bible
of terms and their variations like

counsel, advice, wisdom, plan, help, etc. Define the terms using Bible
dictionaries. Document the range

of situations in the Bible involving these concepts by using the Bible
concordance. Then, using the Bible

commentaries, detail a couple of situations from the Bible that, in
your opinion, best illustrate what a

biblical view of counseling is all about. Be sure to state the reasons
for your opinion using the

biblical data as support.

Part 2: Next, compare/contrast your views on what you learned about
what the Bible has to say about what

counseling is and is not with what you have learned about professional
views of counseling. Give

attention to ethical considerations including how professional codes
of ethics are congruent or

incongruent with biblical principles of counseling. Particularly
relate this information to your current

understanding of how you will be functioning in the role of counselor.
Do not submit a paper with 25 year

old references as your primary sources. Do not get off into
citing/quoting others who believe “Bible

only” is the only appropriate source in counseling. That is NOT what
the assignment calls for. When doing

the word study, do not simply “proof text” the paper. This is a
research paper. You must cite Bible

dictionaries, commentaries, and concordances in addition to Bible
verses. Remember, with this option,

only eight of the 15 required sources may be from books and/or
electronic Bible study sources. The rest

of your sources should be from professional journal articles.

Part 3: Finally, include a section on how what you have learned
biblically and professionally about

counseling affects you personally. Include your thoughts about
implications for decisions regarding

educational/training preparation, the setting and context of where and
how you will counsel, the types of

counselees you will work with, and even how you see all of this
affecting your personal, family, and

church life.

As usual, papers are to be presented in APA style. The body length is
to be 12–15 pages and 15 references

minimum, so you will want to be selective about the words you use. The
“Guide to Understanding Letter and

Numerical Grades” will help sharpen the focus of your work

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