EME proposal update
Project description
Briefly, you will need to explain in detail in the midterm update:
a. how do the 10 events you have chosen impact the price of the company’s stock/commodity (negative or positive? significant or not? please depict the sign and the
magnitude of the shock)
b. why do you think the impact is as you described? do you have any data/evidence/similar history events to support your findings? what
statistical/mathematical/economic methods can be used to support your findings?
c. please discuss your findings, and review the relevant and similar findings from the previous literature (i.e. journal papers, technical reports or business news)
The format of the midterm update is very flexible. I suggest using 12 font size, times roman, and 1.5 linespacing.
***So, for the 8 pages I will need you to answer all of the above as said per point & I will upload the document that is needed, it contains everything you will need
and also will give you all references used*** Do not use any references as I will provide them and I will provide you with the proposal that you will use to answer all
the above parts of questions.
Added on 20.03.2015 12:30
Crude oil trading. (2014) Retrieved from http://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/?commodity=crude-oil-west-texas-intermediate&months=12
Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM). (2014,15). Retrieved from http://finance.yahoo.com/echarts;_ylt=AwrBJR.nqddUuWIAFeCTmYlQ?s=XOM+Interactive#{%22range%22%3A%221y%22%2C
Exxon Mobil Corporation. (2015). Retrieved from http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=XOM
ExxonMobil. (2006). Retrieved from http://exxonenergy.com.yeslab.org/html/ourcoAboutHistory.htm