Write a paper analyzing one of the major world religions according to the elements of “religion”.

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Write a paper analyzing one of the major world religions according to the elements of “religion”.

write a 6-7 page paper analyzing one of the major world religions according to the elements of “religion” which you have learned in this course. While you will explain the basic beliefs and forms of the religion, you must use the categories and terminology of our textbook to discuss your chosen religion: ritual, ethics, scripture, religious language and metaphors, change, conversion, development, reconciliation, and alienation. Address such issues as how the religion responds to culture, socio-political realities, human suffering, and personal destiny. This paper should demonstrate your assimilation of the material of the course and your ability to apply it to thinking about a particular religion.

The paper must be written in MLA style, including in-text citations and a Works Cited page. You will write it double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font and post it at the appropriate link on Week Fourteen of the Content section or in the Assignments section of the class.

The major religions of the world include: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. If you want to write on another religious tradition (say, Native American religion),

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