Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between health insurance and health?

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Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between health insurance and health?



Question 1.1. (TCO 1) Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between health insurance and health? (Points : 5)
  1. Compared with the insured person, the uninsured tend to be diagnosed at later stages of life-threatening illnesses.
  2. Having health insurance has no impact on a person’s overall health. Genetics and lifestyle choices are the only factors proven to impact health.
  3. In an effort to avoid high-cost hospitalizations, the uninsured are more likely to practice health-maintenance behaviors than those with insurance.
  4. People who have health insurance display a 25% increased risk of dying when compared to the uninsured.
Question 2.2. (TCO 2) Define health policy. (Points : 5)
  1. Legislation that governs Medicare and Medicaid
  2. Current and proposed legislation that governs the actions. decisions, and behaviors that affects the health of a society.
  3. Proposed bills that governs health insurance.
  4. Universal healthcare
Question 3.3. (TCO 3) Proportional payments are ________________. (Points : 5)
  1. The ratio of payment to income that is the same for all classes.
  2. Payments that take a falling percentage of income as income increases.
  3. Payments that take a rising percentage of income as income increases.
  4. A set fee regardless of income.

Question 4.4. (TCO 4) Which of the following is an effective cost control mechanism? (Points : 5)
  1. Raising physician fees
  2. Capitation payment
  3. Patient cost sharing
  4. Risk transfer
Question 5.5. (TCO 1) What are non-financial barriers to healthcare? (Points : 5)
  1. Language, lack of insurance coverage, availability of services.
  2. Literacy, culture, factors of gender and race
  3. Transportation, language, employment
  4. Inability to access care, culture, insurance coverage
Question 6.6. (TCO 3) The 1990s introduced the concept of cost containment to healthcare. Which statement best outlines the goal of healthcare cost reform? (Points : 5)
  1. One of the challenges in designing an optimal payment system is striking the right balance between economic incentives for overtreatment and undertreatment of patients.
  2. Simply limiting the amount of money paid for expenses related to the diagnosis and treatment of illness has been working for the past 20 years. If the outpouring of funds can be slowed, the quality of care will increase.
  3. The bundling of services into one payment tends to shift financial risk away from physicians and hospitals toward payers
  4. All of the above





Each question must be 100 words

1. (TCO 2) For the last 25 years, what has been the fundamental conflict between purchasers and the healthcare industry? (Points : 10)

Question 2.2. (TCO 4) List the methods of hospital payment. (Points : 10)
Question 3.3. (TCO 2) What are the three models of organizing care? Provide a brief description of the care provided at each level. (Points : 10)
Question 4.4. (TCO 4) What does it mean to “transfer financial risk?” Give an example. (Points : 20)
Question 5.5. (TCO 3) What is the relationship between costs and health outcomes? What can be done to improve outcomes without raising costs?(Points : 20)

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