what must organizations do to effectively manage the rapidly changing internal and external environments within which they conduct business?

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what must organizations do to effectively manage the rapidly changing internal and external environments within which they conduct business?

Must be a minimum of 400 words. Minimum of 2 references and one must be an article from below:

Brock, W. B. (2013). Toward a diagnostic-dialogic model of organizational change: Synthesizing organizational change with accounting metrics (Order No. 3536439). Available from ABI/INFORM Global. (1328133920). http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1328133920?accountid=8289

Brock, W. (2012). Synthesizing a systems perspective and organizational change: Principles of a whole-systems metrics model. Organization Development Journal, 30(3), 17-28. http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1124543086?accountid=8289

O’Neill, P. E. (1990, July). Transforming managers for organizational change. Training & Development Journal, 44(7), 87+. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA8629480&v=2.1&u=udel_main&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w&asid=e39123633a273715159c433703aa68d6


While there are many factors driving the pace of organizational change today, there are four (4) factors that stand out; globalization, technological changes, the rise of the knowledge worker, and the importance of cross-functional collaboration within organizations. Bearing in mind that change is now the new normal, what must organizations do to effectively manage the rapidly changing internal and external environments within which they conduct business?

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