What Is Authentic Leadership? 200-300 Words

In a 3- to 4-page evaluation, you will summarize the current program and give SPECIFIC areas that are not working and how your improvements (outlined below). You will also need to point out how your competitors are utilizing e-commerce as well; this is critical because it will set up the rationale for your program.
August 7, 2017
Argue for or against Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing by drug companies. Provide support for your response.
August 7, 2017
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What Is Authentic Leadership? 200-300 Words

In this week’s reading of Palanski and Simons (2012) article about authentic leadership, the authors hypothesize that authentic leadership has a positive impact on employees’ attitudes and job satisfaction.  Do you agree with their hypothesis?  What examples have you seen that refute or support their assertion?  REAL LIFE APPLICATION: Choose an authentic leader who has had a significant impact on you and discuss why this person made such a positive impact and how they have shaped your beliefs about effective leadership.  Alternatively, describe a leader who has not led authentically, why this person had a negative impact on you, and how the experience has shaped your beliefs about effective leadership. Article Link:

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